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    Sugarcrest Festuolium Perennial Rye Grass

  • Tetra mag hybrid ryegrass

    Tetra Mag Intermediate Perennial Rye Grass


    Tetramag is a true dually-beneficial hybrid; carrying the superior forage yield and feed value of an Italian ryegrass with the persistence and durability of a perennial ryegrass in one, very impressive package. No matter the university variety trial location, Tetramag is turning heads on overall yield, seedling vigor and establishment, regrowth, and forage quality, especially on fiber digestibility compared to other competitive perennial ryegrasses. Whether you’re considering a perennial ryegrass, or a shorter-term ryegrass as part of a grazing/haying operation, or extending an alfalfa or red clover stand, or in a pasture/hay mix, Tetramag needs to be a part of your plan.

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    Mercedes Perennial Rye Grass

  • Tetra Sweet Perennial Ryegrass

    Tetra Sweet Perennial Rye Grass


    Tetrasweet is a highly adaptable, fast establishing, tetraploid perennial ryegrass. Tetrasweet tillers extensively and recovers rapidly making it an excellent choice for all types of forage production. Tetrasweet may be grazed close and often making it the preferred grass of grazers. Tetrasweet’s high digestibility leads to increased animal performance and increased producer profits.

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