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PhotoKing BMR Sorghum x Sudangrass


  • Warm-season, summer annual best adapted to rotational grazing, hay or silage where a wide harvest window is desired.
  • Stays in the vegetative growth stage until day length is 12 hours and 20 minutes or less, which is usually September depending on latitude.
  • Features a very good disease resistance package


  • Adapted to all areas of the U.S. where hybrid sorghum x sudangrass or hybrid sudangrass is grown.
  • Plant after the danger of frost and soil temperatures exceed 65°.
  • Leave a 3 to 4″ of stubble at harvest and apply 1 to 1.25 pounds of actual nitrogen for each day to the expected next harvest.
  • Follow all sorghum feeding precautions.



  • Wide, showy leaves with the characteristic brown mid-rib coloring.


  • Dryland, 12 to 35 pounds per acre, 6 inches to 18 inches, plants/square foot: 4 to 10
  • Irrigated, 30 to 40 pounds per acre, 6 inches to 18 inches, plants/square foot: 12 to 30
  • Broadcast (dryland), 10 to 30 pounds per acre
  • Broadcast (irrigated), 20 to 40 pounds per acre