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HayKing Plus Hybrid Sudangrass



  • Low-lignin content increases digestibility in livestock rations
  • Warm-season, summer annual with fast dry down for multiple harvests as pasture, hay or silage.
  • Low-input requirements and an efficient user of nitrogen and water, with few weed or pest concerns
  • Seasonal dry-matter tonnage equal to corn silage as silage, pasture or hay
  • Superior forage quality versus BMR hybrid sorghum x sudangrass with reduced prussic acid
  • Improved disease package with very good resistance to Anthracnose and Downy Mildew


  • Adapted to all areas of the U.S. where hybrid sorghum x sudangrass or hybrid sudangrass is normally grown
  • Plant after danger of frost and soil temperatures exceed 65°
  • Fine stems, leafy and aggressive tillering after harvest. Leave a 3 to 4” stubble
  • Follow all sorghum feeding precautions

Appearance at Harvest Maturity

  • Harvest usually occurs 45 to 55 days after germination.
  • A fast-growing hybrid with very fine stems, aggressive tillering and a mass of leaves with the characteristic brown mid-rib coloring. Usually chest-high before head extension


Seeding Rate Recommendations

  • Approximately 21,000 to 24,000 seeds per pound
  • For the Midwest, Northeast and Southeast, use 25 to 40+ pounds per acre.
  • For the Great Plains and Intermountain West dryland seed at 20-30 pounds per acre. For irrigated seed at 30-50 pounds per acre.
  • For Southwest irrigated, seed 50 to 100+ pounds per acre.
  • Plant approximately 1/2 to 1 inch deep.