E-Forage Field Day


June 27


08:30 am - 05:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/e-forage-field-day-tickets-635525793757


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/e-foragecom-65830710693

22259 US-183 Hwy

22259 US 183 Highway, Greensburg, KS 67054

Greensburg, KS, US, 67054

2023 E-Forage Alfalfa Field Day at Morning Star Farms in Greensburg, KS. E-Forage is excited to announce our alfalfa field day.

We will have industry leaders, alfalfa breeders, and equipment manufactures on hand doing infield demonstrations of their latest products.

E-Forage will be hosting a very informative meeting in the morning with speakers and a producer panel. After lunch we will move to the field where you will be able to see the latest equipment running. E-Forage has invited several of the major equipment dealers to show off their newest products including TRACTORS, SWATHERS, RAKES, MERGERS, BALERS, STEAMER, BANDER AND STACKERS.